Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bluebonnet Photo Booth ~ DFW Photographer

In April I will be hosting my first photo booth. What is a photo booth you ask? Well you are scheduled a 15-20 minute block of time to capture some fun and whimsical pictures of the whole family, just the kids, just the parents or all the pets. This photo booth is going to be featured in a field of Bluebonnets, the Texas state flower. Everyone who has lived in Texas for any length of time knows that Bluebonnets are some of the most beautiful flowers in the early spring. I will be scouting out a great location for you to meet me at and no it will not be on the side of a major freeway.

Here are the details of the photo booth:

15-20 minutes of shooting time
$30 is the entire cost, this gets you a CD with 8-10 images and rights to print 8x10 or smaller. Anything larger and we should talk, my printer does such a wonderful job.

Now if you would like cards, or any other type of special service please do not hesitate to contact me for more details. Otherwise call today to schedule your session time. Times will fill up fast, so do not wait.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering about this! I have seen them blooming and kept thinking of you. I think it is such a good idea. If you make a flier, please send one my way, and I'll give one to the ladies at work.
