Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Breastfeeding Photographic Journey

Photo courtesy of Melissa Belter Photography

I am excited to announce that I’m going to be working on a project to help support, promote and demonstrate Breastfeeding. As a mother of five, all who I breastfed, I feel that it is important to help women succeed and get past the “booby traps” of nursing no matter how she accomplishes this goal.

I am looking for breastfeeding mothers who exclusively breastfeed, pump and bottle feed, use a supplemental nursing system or any combination to breastfed their child. All breastfeeding sessions will be free with a free 8x10 or 5x7 print of their favorite image. I would also like to collect your story at the time of the session so that I can feature your journey. I know that all journeys are not created equal, and it’s important to show that to future moms and current moms.

Here are the details; we can do a formal, fancy session, or just an everyday style session. Formal sessions can be done in studio or on location. Everyday sessions will most likely be on location, unless you want to hang out at my house to feed your little one. We can meet pretty much anywhere to create your images. Each mother will need to sign a model/media release form, so that I can use your story and images.

Talk to your friends; pass this along to breastfeeding mothers that you know. I’m so excited about the journey and can hardly wait to share the images we create and the stories of nursing mothers. If you do not want to share your story that’s fine too, we’ll let the images speak for themselves. Images will be available to purchase, but not required.

My end goal is to one day create a breastfeeding book with images and stories of mothers and babies. I know that will take a while to complete but with your help we can make it happen.

To schedule your session please give me at call at 214-455-5736 or drop by the website and send me an e-mail.

Thank you so much for your support on this photographic journey!



  1. What a great project! I breastfed each of my girls for their first couple of years and got a lot of flack for it but that didn't sway me. Unfortunately, I know a lot of women ARE made to feel ashamed for nursing in public, not covering properly, breastfeeding too long..blah blah blah. I will tell my BF friends about your project!

  2. Are there still openings for this project?

    1. There are still openings, if you want to participate. please send me an e-mail at

  3. I do still need plenty of moms to participate, so please do not hesitate to contact me.

  4. I cannot access the email but want to paticipate in the photo project.

  5. please try to send me a text message at 214-455-5736.
