I had the very special privilege to photography Mary and Miles and to hear about their journey of successful breasfeeding despite medical difficulties. You would never have thought that Miles had congenital heart defects (CHD). I think he could give my kids a run for their money. Here is their story below:
Miles is 16 months &
was our 4th baby. He was a home water born VBAC baby, born at 42 weeks 3
days. His heart defects were discovered at 14 days old. He has
atrioventricular canal defect, a secondary Atrial Septal Defect, a secondary
Ventricular Septal Defect, and a mitral valve cleft. He was repaired by an 8
hour open heart surgery at 22 weeks old. We have been so fortunate to nurse his
entire lifetime. Most babies with congenital heart defects (CHD) aren’t able to
nurse. Miles persevered, but we had to watch carefully as his oxygen level
dropped considerably whenever he nursed. A nursing session lasted less time,
had less milk transfer, and it was compared to running a marathon for the
stress that his heart was under. He continued to gain weight and thrive, so we
were given the okay to breastfeed exclusively. That was a miracle! Again, most
CHD babies have to supplement or depending on their CHD, they are tube fed
because of the stress of the heart. Miles is currently stable, growing, &
doing his best to keep up with his 3 big brothers!
Congratulations to Mary and Miles for making it to 16 months and nursing despite his CHD. Thanks again for your support in my project. #mommymilk #breasfeedingproject
Way to go, Mary and Miles! (And Glenn!)